Saturday, August 2, 2008

Soundtrack To My Past

Isn't it funny when you pull out a CD you haven't listened to in years and discover you can still sing along, word for word, to the entire thing? That happened to me yesterday! I was in the car with Kirsten and wanted to listen to something fun and a bit unusual. So I found the soundtrack to 'That Thing You Do' in my CD case and put it in. I still knew all the words! I had a great time. It's such feel-good music! The movie came out in 1996, when I was 14. Tom Hanks wrote and directed it, and I remember it being really popular for awhile. I loved that soundtrack so much. I haven't seen the movie in forever. I have an old VHS copy, but I've never gotten the DVD. The movie is pretty good, but the very best thing about it is the soundtrack!

Who else remembers this movie? Can anyone else still sing along to the entire soundtrack, or am I just crazy? :)


  1. Hi Ashley,
    You are one of my "blog" partners-(Rosey Little Things)
    Enjoyed looking through your blog. I can totally relate to this posting - been there, done it!
    Wishing you and your family an enjoyable week-end.

  2. AAAH YES!! DEFINITELY!!!! awesome Ashley!!! boy...that brings back fun memories!!!!

  3. I loved that movie! And the soundtrack! I don't know if I have either one anymore? I'd have to go digging through my cds. I am pretty sure I got rid of my VHS.

  4. Of course I remember. :) We were singing it together!
    And what are you doing bloggin when you could be reading????

  5. This is seriously in my top 10 of favorite movies of all time! I love, love, love this movie so much, I quote it all the time! And music is amazing!!!!

  6. Hi- thanks for visitng my blog with the swap! I loved reading yours! I never really liekd that movie too much, but I can relate. I'm older than you, so for me it's pulling out some old 80s hair band and still knowing all of the songs!

  7. My roommate (at the time) and I went straight to Tower Records after the movie to get the soundtrack!

  8. I love this movie. It's really great music. I have a couple of cd's like that... jewel, cranberries, and a legends of the fall soundtrack that is instrumental and so great.

  9. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! It was my best friend and my favorite movie!!! I can still sing along and I finally upgraded my VHS to a DVD :)

  10. i do remember the movie, but i was grown when it came out..gosh you must be so young! or i'm so old.. when did it come out?

  11. i was still a teen, but i was punk rock at the time so i must have been listening to Rock N' Roll Highschool soundtrack!

  12. My MIL sent us a bunch of her old VHS (mostly for the boys, but some fun ones in there for us) and this was one of them. I think I watched it the first night it came.

    And sang along with every word.

    Lots of comments - nice!!

    p.s. are you done with BD yet? Is it BLOWING YOUR MIND?!?!? :o)

  13. I'm SO glad to know that so many of you remember and love this movie too and still love the soundtrack! :)

    Alisa, I DO totally remember singing along to the soundtrack with you! Fun times!

    Alyssa- I'm not quite finished with it yet but almost, and YES, it's blowing my mind and keeping me up really late at night reading! I love it!

  14. I found you over on Merrianne's blog...

    I remember this movie! I loved it! The music is fun to sing along too! But, I am feeling rather old... you were 14 in 1996? I was married and had a baby in 1996.

    I am older than dirt. :>)

  15. I can totally sing that soundtrack. It's on VH1 occasionally and I get so excited. I love that movie...


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