Newborns are just the snuggliest things in the whole world! Sometimes it's so blissful, rocking her and holding her, thinking about how it's really not very long that you can hold your child with one arm, close to your heart, and I should try to enjoy every minute. Other times it's frustrating and you just want her to settle down, stop crying, and stop wanting to be held so darn much! Such is the life right now. I'm looking forward to her sleep schedule becoming more consistent. Some nights she does really well, sleeping for a 5 or 6 hour stretch. Other nights she wakes up every 3 hours or even more often than that. The hard part is not knowing which nights will be the good nights and which will be the bad ones.
Here she is at six weeks old (in fact, all of the pictures in this post are taken at around six weeks old):

*She's been smiling at us, and it's of course ADORABLE. One of these days I'll capture it on film and post it here. Love those new little smiles! She occasionally laughs too, and I love it!
* She's kind of a fussy little thing. She wants to be held most of the time, and it's difficult to settle her down. She seems to get gas pains a lot, and cries frequently. We wrap her up in the swaddle wraps with velcro at night, which does help to soothe her, and we sleep with a lot of white noise going in the room. I guess this is tough work, getting used to life in this world.
*She likes her baths now! As long as we keep the room warm enough, she has a fun time kicking her legs in the water. I love to hold her and cuddle her right after her bath, when she smells so clean and fresh.

I took some pretty cute pictures of Brooke in her little Santa hat. I've never had such a little baby at Christmastime before!

(Does anybody else remember Rodney the Hallmark reindeer from their childhood? I was so thrilled when they brought him back a couple years ago and made him even cuter!)