Ohhhh, Kidorable products just melt my heart! You've probably seen them before, as they sell them in many boutiques and shops. They're SUCH super cute animal-inspired umbrellas and rain gear for kids! The most popular styles that you see are the ladybug and the frog, and my gosh they are cute! Why can't adults get away with wearing such fun raincoats and boots? I would just smile all the time if I could go out in the rain and look like this:
Seriously!!! This company amazes me! They sent us their ladybug raincoat, umbrella, boots, and knit hat, and I was so excited for Kirsten to try them all out. She loves them!!! The boots are her favorite. She laughs at the bug faces and eyes on the boots, and she pulls them out of the closet quite often and wants to put them on. The website describes them as "playful puddle magnets," and these would make such a wonderful Christmas gift for any child!
The knit hat is thick and wonderfully warm, and would make a perfect stocking stuffer!
I've seen lots of fun raincoats before, but this one wins hands down for style! It's just too yummy for words! Their raincoats are made of PVC with polyester lining. The quality and the fit are both top-notch, and I love the big ladybug pocket on the front. Another bonus: All their raincoats come with a free hand-painted hanger! Ours is red with ladybugs on it!

Kidorable has a huge line of different products and styles, and they are ALL imaginative and cute! Besides the products I reviewed, they also sell backpacks, knit scarves, knit gloves, towels, sun hats, embroidered shirts, hanger sets, and bookends. You've got to check out all their different animal designs!
I especially love featuring this company for the holidays because Kidorable is donating $1 to Toys for Tots for every new Facebook fan that signs up by December 25'th! If they reach 2,000 fans, they will also donate 250 umbrellas. So just by becoming their Facebook fan you can feel good about contributing a small part to Toys for Tots. Love it!
I just had to include a picture of their Bee hooded towel. That is an amazing towel! It almost looks like a Halloween costume!

Kidorable is offering a giveaway of one kids' umbrella in your style of choice! Go here to check out all the fun styles available. Your kids will LOVE this umbrella, or it would make a wonderful gift!
Here's how to enter:
*Visit Kidorable and leave me a comment on this post telling me which Kidorable Style is your favorite and which ones your kids would want!
Get extra entries when you:
1. Follow my blog!
2. Become a Kidorable fan on Facebook here and you'll also be helping Toys for Tots just by becoming a fan!
3. Follow Kidorable on Twitter here.
4. Sign your kids up for their free Birthday Club here.
5. Mention this giveaway on Facebook and link to me.
6. Tweet about this giveaway.
7. Grab my button off my sidebar and let me know where it is on your blog.
8. Blog about this giveaway and link to me.
*Lots of entries and chances to win this fun little umbrella! Please leave me a separate comment for each entry, and make sure I have a way to contact you. This giveaway will close on December 3'rd. Good luck and happy shopping!!!
My daughter would love the Fairy Umbrella or buttery.
ReplyDeletereneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I follow kiddorable on twitter as nicjosemm
ReplyDeletereneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I like the dinosaur style!
ReplyDeleteericandsarita at gmail dot com
I am a FB fan of Kidorable
ReplyDeleteI signed up my son for the birthday club.
ReplyDeleteericandsarita at gmail dot com
I'm following Kidorable on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteThe Lotus style is too cute!
ReplyDeleteFollower on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteFollower on Facebook.
love the butterfly & mermaid sets
ReplyDeletejakellcth@msn .com
i follow your blog
ReplyDeletejakellcth@msn. com
kidorable facebook fan
ReplyDeletejakellcth@msn. com
follow kidorable on twitter (cthmommy)
ReplyDeletejakellcth@msn .com
have your button
ReplyDeletee-mail for access to blog
jakellcth@msn .com
The lotus and polk-a-dot umbrella are tied for my favorites!!!!
ReplyDeleteelaine guenther at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteelaineguenther at yahoo dot com
I grabbed your button! It's on the side bar at honeypieaccessories.blogspot.com!
ReplyDeleteelaine guenther at yahoo dot com
I love the Houndstooth umbrella. So cute. tyoung13@msn.com
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteHannah would probably go for the butterfly style while Thomas would like the frogs. I really like the polka dot umbrella. =)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteYour button is on our left sidebar.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter would want the mermaid one for sure, and my son the dinosaur. Too cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower.
ReplyDeletemy son would go for the frog, and i would adore the houndstooth!
ReplyDeleteMiss E would love the pink Lucky Cat style. She's obsessed with Cats and with pink. She would be so cute!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of kidorable on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteMiss E is signed up for the Birthday Club!
ReplyDeleteI can't decide if I like the Lucky Cat umbrella or the Lion umbrella more. So cute!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the birthday club!
ReplyDeletemy daughter would love the butterfly
Kidorable facebook fan
I signed up my daughter for the birthday club
I like the frog collection.
ReplyDeleteI follow!
ReplyDeleteOh I can't decide between the ladybug and the frog...leaning towards ladybug!
ReplyDeleteI follow you.
ReplyDeletefacebook fan of kidorable
ReplyDeleteI signed my daughter up for the birthday club.
ReplyDeleteI follow
ReplyDeleteFairy umberella
ReplyDeleteCould I get away with writing anything other than the Lucky Cat umbrella?? Not in my house! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!
ReplyDeleteI've got your button, pal! :)
ReplyDeleteMy boy would love the frog style and my girl would look great in the ladybug in a few years!
Kidorable facebook fan.
added a button on our blog (which is actually private) www[dot]lifewiththebirds[dot]blogspot[dot]com
we all love the polka dots style umbrella, and the mermaid or houndstooth are close seconds. Thanks!
following kidorable on twitter -@jjfiji
signed up for b-day club
I like the ladybug! If I decide to give it as a gift to my best friend's daughter, she would probably want the frog.
I follow the blog.
I follow kidorable on twitter under catss99
blog post
I am now in love with Kidorable as well.
ReplyDeleteI love the Lotus umbrella!!
I follow your blog. :)
I became a fan on Facebook. :)
I am now following Kidorable on Twitter.
Your button is on my blog (right hand columm)
I blogged about it.
I follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteYour button is on my blog!
ReplyDeleteI looooooooooove all the little girls' backpacks...have a hard time choosing my favorite (but probably the lady bug)!
ReplyDeleteI let Eiza pick amd she said "wady bug!" So we would choose the Lady bug!
ReplyDeleteI follow your fantastic blog!
ReplyDeleteWe joined the birthday club!!!
ReplyDeletefan on facebook.
ReplyDeletejoined the bday club... 4 kids -- does that count for 4 entries?
My favorite style is the ladybug one but my son would love the fireman
I follow your blog
I follow Kidorable on twitter as Prairiebelle
I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle and tweeted
my favorite is the lotus style and my daughter would want the ladybug
Kidorable fan on Facebook
ReplyDeletei Follow Kidorable on Twitter
ReplyDeletesigned up my daughter for their free Birthday Club
The Space Hero collection is my fave, and my little man would go nuts for this!
I follow you PUBLICLY with Google Friend Connect!
I Became a Kidorable fan on Facebook (Heather Clouston-Diotte)
I Follow Kidorable on Twitter as coolcanucks!
I Signed Haley up for their free Birthday Club
I tweeted!
I own CoolCanucks.ca, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie Site. This giveaway is shared here:
Love the lucky cat style!
I'm following your blog (amymbrown)
I'm a fan of kidorable on Facebook (amymbrown)
I'm following Kidorable on twitter I'm @avayasmom
Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSkull Scarves UK